BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//The Architect 's Newspaper - ECPv5.14.0.4//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:The Architect 's Newspaper X-ORIGINAL-URL:// X-WR-CALDESC:Events for The Architect 's Newspaper REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H x - botts - tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20210314T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARDTZID=America/New_York:20210601T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210901T033000 DTSTAMP:20220815T115405 CREATED:20210605T144543Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210605T144543Z UID:298474-1622548800-1630467000@m.aptusmedical.com描述:Archasm感谢所有卫生工作者在COVID-19大流行期间为拯救人类生命做出的坚定承诺和奉献。2019冠状病毒病大流行已在全球造成超过3500000人死亡。在疫情严峻的情况下,感染人数超过了医院的能力,汇集了一线医护人员,为社会的安全和福祉献出了自己的生命。这些一线工作人员被认为是任何卫生系统的支柱,他们是大流行期间的第一道防线,他们仍在努力控制和遏制病毒。由于这场持续的战斗,我们失去了数千名卫生工作者,他们毫不畏惧地将自己的生命置于危险之中,以拯救世界各地数百万受影响的患者。为了表彰一线工作人员的服务和牺牲,Archasm邀请所有建筑系学生和专业人士设计一座纪念碑。挑战是在你的城市/地区设计一个原型,作为对当地战士的尊重和致敬。纪念活动持续了几个世纪,以建立对社会经历过的过去事件的同理心,或纪念逝者的生命。 They serve for transferring information and will be comprehended as a contribution to the future for paying our tributes. \nThis sure seems like a premature time to build a memorial as several nations are still battling but the emotions\, facts\, and thoughts available during a calamity dissipate as it ebbs. The intensity of the moment might help us envision what such a memorial could be. It will help us recall the countless contributions of the health workers on the frontline and will aim to continue building a collective consciousness and provide lifelong gratitude to them. \nEvery community and culture were affected differently by Covid-19. In order to reflect this reality\, the memorial should follow the culture and reflect the local context and the impact this pandemic has had. How can you turn this adversity into memorializing the commitment of the frontline workers? \nContemplate how we will come together or stay apart in the upcoming period. The solution does not have to be grandiose or even architectural\, it can be basic and take any space or form that your community entails. The intervention should be emotional\, powerful\, poetic and can take any form/function as per the participant’s narrative. The memorial should take shape in an area footprint that can range from a minimum of 100 sq. meters to a maximum 1000 sq. meters. \n \n AWARDS \nWinning participants will receive prizes totaling INR 2\,00\,000 with the distribution as follows: \n\nFirst prize- INR 1\,00\,000/- + Certificate\nSecond prize- INR 60\,000/- + Certificate\nThird prize- INR 40\,000/- + Certificate\n10 Honorable mentions\n\n \nREGISTRATION & TIMELINE \nThe competition is open to everyone in the world (architects\, students\, engineers etc.). You can participate individually or in a team. A team can have a maximum of three members only. \nStandard registration: – 1st June 2021 – 31st July 2021 \n\nInternational Participants: 60 EUR + Taxes (per team)\nIndian Participants: 1800 INR + Taxes (per team)\n\nLate registration: – 1st August 2021 – 30th August 2021 \n\nInternational Participants: 80 EUR + Taxes (per team)\nIndian Participants: 2100 INR + Taxes (per team)\n\nSubmission deadline: 31st August 2021 \nResult: 28th September 2021 \n \nDISCOUNT \n15% discount for 5 teams and above. \n \nOTHER DETAILS \nWebsite: \nFacebook: \nInstagram: URL:// CATEGORIES:Competitions ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:// END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR