


波特兰,俄勒冈州 - 季度ZGF Architectshas shared news that a highly anticipated hometown project, one that sets a new and elevated benchmark forsustainable designand advanced engineering in the City of Roses, opened to the public earlier this week.

Named thePAE生活建筑,五层楼的58,000平方英尺的混合用途结构位于波特兰旧城区/斯基德莫尔区的SW First Avenue和Pine Street的拐角处。该项目在正式的首次亮相后,现在可以正式声称吹牛的权利是全球最大的商业建筑,以实现全面的生活建筑挑战(LBC) certification from the Seattle-based International Living Future Institute (ILFI)。What’s more, the PAE Living Building is the first building in Portland to meet thisultra-stringent performance standardandthe first-ever LBC project to be developed and funded as a speculative office building through the standard commercial real estate development model. The PAE Living Building was privately funded and developed via a partnership between ZGF,市区发展小组,,,,,,,,Edlen & Co.,,,,沃尔什建筑公司, 和Apex房地产合作伙伴

Ground first broke on the PAE Living Building in early 2020 and was initially slated to open last summer. In April 2020, ZGFprovided一个with a first look在当时的施工项目中。当时的公司说:“ Pae Living Building讲述了波特兰的故事:理想,进步,但植根于太平洋西北历史上。”

该建筑向整个太平洋西北地区的自然美丽致敬。(©Benjamin Benschneider)

Closely working with ZGF on the project was PAE, an engineering firm founded in the late 1960s in Portland by SOM expats. Today, the firm specializes in ultra-sustainable builds including passive house and LEED Platinum projects. PAE oversaw the technology and lighting design as well as the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems in its namesake building. Naturally, the firm now populates the upper floors of the building, while the second floor is home to leasable commercial office space. The ground level features retail space along with bike storage and related facilities for employee use.

“We are thrilled to deliver Portland’s first Living Building,” said PAE president Paul Schwer in a statement. “Our building shows that sustainable, replicable solutions for our environment are optimal for everyone, from our community to our investors. This project meets the climate goals of our state and our country 30 years ahead of schedule.”

As previous detailed by一个,Pae Living Building的设计和建造可持续500多年,即使在最强大的震颤期间,由于其先进的地震设计也是如此。它旨在实现LBC的所有七个关键性能区域,也称为花瓣:地点,水,能源,健康与幸福,材料,公平和美丽。


Not surprisingly, the list of features that played into this roadmap is impressive and exhaustive. Starting on the roof, the building’s 133 kW solar array feeds into one one of the first photovoltaic-powered battery storage systems in downtown Portland, which will provide a two-way power connection with the city’s utility network and electrical grid. Achieving net-zero energy status at the development site initially proved to be a challenge, as the solar panels themselves had to be limited to the relatively compact footprint of the building’s roof and couldn’t be visible due to the building’s location within a历史地标区;悬垂Bullitt Center面板在建筑物的脸上的放置严格典型。

PAE设有四层办公空间,其中三个由建筑物的同名工程公司和地面零售。(©Benjamin Benschneider)

该建筑物的能源需求也借助位于合作的经济适用房源开发的195 kW异地阵列来满足。正如ZGF副校长迈克尔·奥马拉(Michael O’Mara)所解释的那样一个in 2020, “one of the positive outcomes” from the constraints at the development site was that it “provided the base infrastructure for the nonprofit [housing development partner] to utilize renewable energy for their project without additional upfront cost.”

An additional challenge faced by the project team was abiding by the红名单–free imperative imposed by the ILFI. “This is primarily due to the fact that the industry is still not at the point where enough manufacturers are offering red list free material solutions,” O’Mara told一个。“随着越来越多的项目需求和倡导无红列表的解决方案,这将开始改变,并且随着选择范围的增加而更容易找到材料。”

In addition to producing all of its own energy (plus more to go around), the PAE Living Building is also fully independent from the city’s water supply and uses rainwater capture via a 71,000-gallon cistern, greywater treatment, nutrient recovery, and a five-story vacuum flush composting system.

Located within the Skidmore/Old Town Historic District, the development site is convenient to various modes of public transit and cycling infrastructure. (Laura Swimmer)

在乘员健康和舒适方面,该建筑的低碳工作区具有充足的自然日光,宽敞的景色,可操作的窗户和100%的健康材料;大规模木材结构核心将项目的体现碳排放量减少了30%。在五楼还设有1,500平方英尺的“ Deckony”,可作为全年的露天休息室。

“The design team spent considerable time thinking about the building’s responsibility to the broader Northwest landscape, the waterfront, and the Willamette River,” explained ZGF partner Kathy Berg in a press statement. “The result is a building rooted in Pacific Northwest history that also answers the demand for a drastically more sustainable future. Its quality, resiliency, and systems are designed to address the severity of the future climate challenges we face.”


可以找到更多细节 - 还有很多 - 在这个开拓性的波特兰可持续建筑/开发项目中here并在最近出版的书中PAE生活建筑:以开发人员为主导的自然风格