
Saga Space Architects问我们如何在月球上舒适地生活


Saga Space Architects问我们如何在月球上舒适地生活

在格陵兰岛完全展开并安装了伦纳克。Sebastian Aristotelis和Karl-Johan Sorensen在孤立的结构中花了61天,是关于如何改善农历租户的长期舒适的实验的一部分。(礼貌Saga Space Architects)

2020年9月,Sebastian Aristotelis和Karl-Johan Sorensen,创始人佐贺空间架构师,踏上了格陵兰北部的三个月任务,希望模拟这种经验生活在月球上。从折纸折叠传统和萌芽的叶片形式绘制灵感,Saga设计一个专门为月克任务的栖息地,采用可折叠的折叠面板用于运输目的,并部署一旦部署到卵形形式。

与Bjarke Ingels Group(大)和图标不同项目奥林巴斯,或滑雪,拖网和美林月球村- 旨在满足宇航员的基本需求,以幸存于月球历史的Lunark的基本需求,而是专注于人类如何舒适地生活,假设这些基本需求已经满足。仅仅是从生活中生存的区别?aristotelis告诉一个他们出发了创造一个家,而不仅仅是一个空间站,可以在实验室的环境中存活。为了体现舒适感,aristotelis和sorensen是指丹麦语休利格。aristotelis描述了如何“休息就是这种感觉......想象你在帐篷里面,下雨,但你在毯子下面,完全干燥舒适,你可以听到外面的雨声。”Hygge可能意味着与每个人不同的东西,但这是一种感觉只有一个人的基本原始需求,如食物,庇护和保护,都会得到满足。

昼夜节日LED照明面板的原型(Courtesy Saga Space Architects)


在识别威胁到国际空间站,失眠和单调的宇航员的心理和身体福祉的两个关键挑战之后,Saga与照明制造商密切合作Louis Poulsen.开发一种人工昼夜节律照明系统,为兰克栖息地的内部开发。定制的LED面板设计为能够模拟自然光环境的阶段,模拟黎明,日出,日落,日落和黄昏。为了进一步打击单调,它们被编程为在天数之间变化,采用不同的光强度来模仿天气状况,如阳光明媚和阴云密布。

Saga Space架构师在折叠平面时设计了Lunark模块,类似于Pinecone

当被问及如果确定了最佳照明环境时,Aristotelis会被告​​知一个没有存在这样的环境;无法控制或预测由面板模拟的天气模式比找到最佳设置更关键。Team members in Denmark maintained full control of the weather programming, though halfway through the 61-day experiment they yielded to Aristotelis and Sorensen’s desire to exaggerate the spectrum of the colors to better imitate the overwhelming and intense experience of observing a sunset or sunrise from outside.


除了LED面板外,Aristotelis和Sorensen还利用了栖息地的可调节光源。Louis Poulsen的NJP和Panthella便携式灯提供了可根据需要调整照明偏好的灵活性。Aristotelis强调,可控和无法控制的光源的可用性大大贡献了他们在栖息地内的舒适和情感福祉。

Louis Poulsen Panthella便携式灯用于栖息地的可调式照明(礼貌Saga Space Architects)

Though nowhere on Earth can closely simulate the environment of the Moon, the habitat was isolated in Greenland in a relatively barren landscape but SAGA may have benefitted from a more earnest acknowledgment of the simulation’s inherent initial limitations, and how those, in turn, impacted the resulting data and the conclusions that could be drawn from them. The mission consisted of 30 days of sunlight followed by 30 days of darkness—comparable to the 14 days of sunlight followed by 14 days of darkness on the Moon—but challenges posed by extreme temperature and pressure differentials, radiation, lack of oxygen supply, and a low-gravity environment were not present.


在栖息地的中间室工作(礼貌Saga Space Architects)

在远征之后,几个研究项目,Saga网站上的特色,开始研究长期孤立和禁闭对认知能力和团队适应动态的影响。这些研究举措继续展示为空间设计的实验如何有助于告知我们对地球生命的理解。随着SAGA关于其网站的说明,“我们的一代人在室内花费了90 [百分比]。探险队有助于发现地球和太空中福祉和室内气候的解决方案。“

在商业和住宅空间中,利用LED的昼夜灯光系统越来越普遍。Ketra,Acuity品牌,Cree,Osram,Phillips和Usai Lighting只是一家开发了可调或动态照明技术的公司,允许用户控制光源的色温。还开发了软件,以打击从身体的昼夜节律和身体昼夜节律的电子显示器发出的蓝光的影响;这些包括F.Lux,用于Linux的红移,对于Android,蓝色阴影为Amazon的平板电脑,以及苹果iOS的夜班,命名为一个小样本。

昼夜节律是24小时的循环,Lunark任务呈现了一个独特的机会,以研究狭窄环境中的照明策略的有效性,假设所有其他光源都被占了。In an unconfined environment, light bulbs can be updated, and software can be downloaded to limit the emission of blue light from devices, but it’s unlikely that all light sources can be controlled as a person moves between buildings, vehicles, and streets over the course of a day. Consequently, though several of the lighting sequences Louis Poulsen programmed for the LUNARK habitat are相似的to those programmed for office buildings—the day begins with cooler, high-intensity lighting, which shifts to warmer lighting in the afternoon, encouraging a person to wake up in the morning and become more alert during the day—one shouldn’t expect the same improved sleep or health benefits. The promise of more pleasant and comfortable vibes may be appealing enough to lead one to update their lighting schemes, however.

在Lunark Habitat的顶部的睡豆内(礼貌Saga Space Architects)

在采访的开始时一个,Aristotelis提到了一个报价,匿名归因于他的早期迷恋空间:“出生太晚,探索地球,出生的太早探索空间。”It appears that the Reddit community has long since adapted the line into a meme (i.e., “born just in time for—”), but the quote could also lead one to wonder if spending large sums of money on spaceflight might be a distraction from or an evasion of the environmental devastation on Earth and our inability to address climate change.

此外,人们可能会问,如果地球因为绝大多数而不可爱,那么那么谁会有机会去空间?The title of the press release for SAGA’s mission reads, “LUNARK – Building and Testing a Moon Home for Everyone,” but this will likely remain an unattainable dream for at least the foreseeable future, when a ticket for a seat on Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin rocket ride,它只去了大气的边缘,花费了2800万美元。为了他的部分,Aristotelis是坚持不懈地为空间开发的解决方案对地球有用,尽管他们并不总是与气候有关,而我们的星球仍然是人类的最佳位置。也许空间居住地提出的一些挑战将使人们更加欣赏这一点。
