



乍一看,明亮的白色444岁的奥尔良突然出现在一个疼痛的拇指中芝加哥街上的街景交响乐。然而,坐在繁忙的角落里,该建筑为该地区提供了新的热解和美学新鲜面孔。在世界上的任何地方,芝加哥是砖可以实现的品种的陈列室。尽管如此,寒冷的天气非常苛刻,在这座城市最忽视的建筑物中可以找到。基于芝加哥的von Weise伙伴的建筑师试图通过盖住现有的五层办公大楼与脉冲石头和黑色的现有五层办公楼进行补救

由cosentino制造,Dekton Aura 15.瓷器面板系列建筑物的东南角包裹在周围形成“L”形状,面向N Orleans Street的高流量。根据设计人员,选择薄灰色淋湿的面板,以唤起“在密歇根湖上形成的异想天开模式”。这个门面口音与南部和西部门面上的黑色彩绘砖和东部和北黑灰泥形成鲜明对比。Von Weise Associates能够向现有建筑添加额外的故事,他们在玻璃黑砖中完成,反映比下层更轻的底部。

A huge concern for the client was improving the failing thermal standards of the existing office building, which was constructed in 1896. An additional hindrance to the construction work was the dramatic variations in the region’s weather, which forced designers to consider both Arctic winds and scorching summers when selecting exterior finishes. A new ventilated rainscreen facade was installed to allow the contractor to more easily level and plane inconsistencies. This adjustable sub-frame system even permitted the new rainscreen to be installed over the existing one without needing to remove it, saving both time and historic masonry which was revealed in the interior.


前一体现有的四层办公大楼照片在核心和外壳装修之前(礼貌von Weise Associates)
