
Hiroshi Sugimoto威胁要在Hirshhorn Museum放弃雕塑花园大修吗?


Hiroshi Sugimoto威胁要在Hirshhorn Museum放弃雕塑花园大修吗?

Hirshhorn博物馆的雕塑花园在华盛顿州,D.C。(Gryffindor /Wikimedia Commons./公共区域)

带到了注意力一个由文化景观基金会(TCLF.),与之相关的官员重新设计雕塑花园的雕塑花园Hirshhorn Museum.华盛顿特区。,在很大程度上绕过了一个问题3月10日第106条会议关于特定的设计元素Hiroshi Sugimoto.-LED大修;日本建筑师和摄影师已知他是坚定的,如果不是,他可能会远离该项目。

问题询问了Hirshhorn博物馆和雕塑花园副主任Jaya Kaveeshwar和Felix Ade,校长云建筑,基于布鲁克林的实践,即Sugimoto-LED项目团队的一部分,源于a1月11日采访用sugimoto艺术报纸他在信中说:“如果你不能接受重新设计的关键部分,我将100%地做所有的事情,我将不得不退出重新设计。”

Sugimoto引用的“关键部分”是干堆石墙,也许是最重要的建议改变于20世纪70年代早期的现代主义景观,该景观是由滑雪道,Outings&Merrill的Gordon Bunshaft设计,其中景观建筑师戈登柯林斯监督A1981年2英亩沉亨花园的转型性和高度赞扬的重新设计。正如TCLF所指出的那样,Sugimoto的改造的另一个关键要素包括扩展现有的反射池,在设计过程的过程中已经调整到变化程度。然而,据TCLF称,石墙未经“有意义的变化”,虽然Hirshhorn官员已经走到了“相当长的长度”,以证明在整个过程中包含这种特殊功能。最近,Hirshhorn官员已经吹捧,堆叠的石墙是必要的特征,因为它们将增强花园中的声学。每个Hirshhorn助理策展人Anne Reeve,内部隔断墙的扁平混凝土表面可以“反射声音创建声学回声并使性能声学非常难以协商。”


在上述3月10日会议期间,通过TCLF的NORD Wennerstrom直接被问到Kavesshwar和Ade,关于苏格多诺以前关于堆积的石墙的备注所做的事情。作为回应,Kaveeshar也不否认,Sugimoto威胁要戒掉石墙可能被击中的可能性有争议的重新设计。然而,他们确实注意到,Sugimoto和较大的设计团队与Hirshhorn和Smithsonian机构的官员都是“响应”对公共投入的“响应”,以及关于花园振兴的内部运作的“透明”。(与此同时,TCLF对该过程中的透明度视为缺乏的声音;非营利组织还提出了史密森官员征求其承包商公开支持该项目的道德投诉的伦理投诉。)



“Actually, I’ll begin by addressing that comment and I just want to say that as we’ve seen Mr. Sugimoto and the entire design team and the Hirshhorn and the Smithsonian team have engaged in a really thorough public process that continues, in fact, we’re in the process of building a second stacked stone wall mock-up. And to the issue of user surveys and analysis, although I think Anne is right to highlight the way that we curate our exhibitions, which are different from the ways that maybe other institutions might address some type of presentation, the curation of exhibitions is really at the core of what we do. The other thing I would offer is that for both stacked stone wall mock-ups, we will have a public viewing, we will have a public consultation. In fact, we solicited detailed comments at our first stacked stone wall mock-up viewing and public consultation and we will certainly do that again. And to the issue of Mr. Sugimoto, he has been a really integral part of this public process and throughout this process we’ve seen the design of the wall in response to public consultation and comments and Mr. Sugimoto and the entire design team and the Hirshhorn and Smithsonian teams have been very responsive and are eager to continue to be responsive and engaged in this public process in the most transparent and open way. So, thank you for that feedback. I think that’s the comment that I’d like to offer. And I’ll turn it over to the panelists, as well.”




作为Charles Birnbaum,文化景观基金会总裁兼首席执行官(告诉一个,除了两个问题之外,TCLF一直“一般支持”计划革新项目,除了两个问题,在富有成效和透明的时尚(倾斜的石墙和保))中,侧重于保护的宣传和教育组织已被“顽固”。反射池的“克制尊严”,它与建筑立面的单个矩形窗口谈话。


Added Birnbaum: “And so the question that gets raised when you look at the statement made by Sugimoto is—if you’re connecting the dots—that the reason why the Smithsonian has been unwilling to address this issue [of reconsidering the stacked stone walls] is because it runs the risk of Sugimoto resigning from the project … that’s the impression that one would have.”
