
Ply +正在在中西部的中西部重新发明标题类型


Ply +正在在中西部的中西部重新发明标题类型

在圣玛丽慈善医院利沃尼亚,密歇根州圣玛丽教堂内的视图(杰弗里·基尔默/礼貌PLY +)


委托项目和独立研究在深深交织在一起PLY +,在安阿伯,密歇根州–based collaborative architecture practice established by Craig Borum in 1999. “We’re trying to work outside of commissions to think about ways of generating new knowledge or new approaches to materials, organization, the way we work, and then letting the practice inform some of those questions, but then also letting the research feed back into the way we think about projects,” explained Borum.

研究和实践之间的这种相互作用在像利沃尼亚,密歇根州圣玛丽慈善医院的信仰教堂项目的最好证明。在2018年完成,教堂诞生出Borum和校长仁梅格雷​​的赠款资助的研究进入密歇根大学,其中两个是在建筑和城市规划的塔博曼学院教授的主持下,二向色玻璃。“我们使用的研究认为我们正在做,以此来我们的建议结构[医院],也跟他们谈我们如何接近的项目,” Borum说。“这是一个天生适合去想我们可能会与光与彩色玻璃已经发挥了作用,标志性的娱乐方式宗教建筑。对我们来说,这是重塑这一点,显示它的方式。”

PLY +”当代艺术底特律博物馆的重新设计(礼貌PLY +)

Likewise, PLY+’s design for the Michigan Animal Rescue League, completed last year in the Detroit suburb of Pontiac, was the result of a research process that included a deep dive into the science of animal stress as well as an examination of both veterinary hospital and nursery school design. “They’re obviously not the same,” said Maigret of the two typologies, noting that the Michigan Animal Rescue League’s shelter is the only one she knows of that utilizes a courtyard. “But we were looking at nursery school models with lots of natural light, clear organization systems, and an exterior space for play. They do overlap with the way that an animal shelter is operating.”

目前正在进行的是底特律当代艺术馆,坐落在一个前凯迪拉克经销商阿尔伯特卡恩设计了一个15岁机构的博物馆的改造。“It’s very much a surgical approach to the existing museum in that we’re erasing and selectively removing things as much as we are adding anything,” said Borum, noting that the more transformative aspect of the project is the reworking of the site into a through-block campus that connects the museum to “the larger urban network.”
