
克里斯托夫:Finio建筑重新激励Bennington College的Commons Building


克里斯托夫:Finio建筑重新激励Bennington College的Commons Building


本宁顿学院初选宣布计划为2017年的翻新解决了许多问题,他们的签名建筑面临:其主要机械系统和核心空间所需的更新,其14,000平方英尺的三楼由于非而导致的最后十年陷入废弃- 与消防码和ADA要求的顺利。结果,C:FA最终安装了电梯和一个新的机械系统,使最高地板达到代码,允许添加16个新教室以及同行学习实验室,一个跨学科的中心,旨在支持同伴-PEER教学,团体协作和个人研究。

在建筑物的北侧添加了一个入口,通过其底层创造了行人途径。(Scott Frances / Courtesy C:FA)

To connect the two halves of the campus, of which the building had become the center following decades of campus expansion, C:FA renovated the building’s southern facade while adding an entryway on the opposite side in floor-to-ceiling glass that establishes a new pedestrian pathway on the ground floor. The addition increased the building’s square footage while introducing unobstructed natural light throughout its deep interior spaces, all without expanding the Commons’ footprint. Adding to the building’s centrality as a hub for academic and student life, the firm was able to include a new bookstore, a cafe and bakery, and several lounge spaces throughout. The dining hall was also doubled in size, increasing capacity from 450 to 1,000, and now sits beneath a slate-shingled wood roof that integrates lighting fixtures.
