



战争住房在Erie,宾夕法尼亚州,1941年。Al Palmer(由国会提供礼貌图书馆)

美国人木头框架是一个“艺术”和“一个奇怪的建筑般的建筑”,已被“被历史和当代话语忽视。”根据Paul Preissner,Cocurator美国框架,17日的2020年美国馆La Biennale Di Venezia的国际建筑展



UIC建筑学院commissioned the pavilion, and director of the Robert Somol said, “As in other work conducted in the School, the UIC proposal for the U.S. Pavilion intensifies and deviates a standard element or system as a means to remake the world in a surprising yet plausible way.” It is no accident that this project is coming from UIC, as a pop sensibility pervades the framework of the show. According to the curators, many Americans grew up in wood-framed houses, making it a system used across classes, from small bungalows to McMansions, and “across formal classes,” from Spanish Colonial homes to Cape Cod.

“我们希望与尤其是美国主题合作,开辟新的设计可能性。它似乎适应了既有木材框架的历史,如果我们抑制或夸大系统本身,建筑物如何不同,“Andersen在一份声明中说。由于木材框架是刻板的美国建筑类型,它应该使全球观众漫游起来il Giardini。



摄影师和UIC校友丹尼尔切果已被委托开发一系列照片,这些照片记录了一系列普通的木制框架建筑和建筑工地,而摄影师Chris强大的克里斯特与琳达·罗伯邦(Linda Robbennolt)合作,将创建一个专注于工作和生活在框架建筑内的各种人员的摄影系列。

Taking cues from Greg Lynn and Hani Rashid’s 2000 U.S. Pavilion, which gave students from Columbia and UCLA the opportunity to take part in the Biennale, the Pauls have enlisted two seminars of UIC students to design and build models of key historical wood-framed buildings, as well as speculative models experimenting with the forms and logics of the system.

“As Paul and I were both part of the 2000 U.S. Pavilion as students at our respective universities,” Preissner said, “we are happy to be able to share this same opportunity with current UIC students, and proud to show their work to the world.”

UIC学生还将在包括Ania Jaworska,托马斯·凯利,联合创始人诺曼克利和他的设计合作伙伴Carrie Norman,生产网站响应家具。

美国框架由美国国家教育和文化事务局成为可能。Glen-Gery Corporation / Brickworks and Madworskhop基金会提供支持。

第17届国际建筑展的La Biennale Di Venezia的开幕,包括美国馆,已被推迟到8月29日并将在2020年11月29日至29日。
