



与它所替换的四座建筑物相比,最新批准的LACMA重建的设计包含展览空间的平方英尺少。(礼貌的工作室彼得·祖姆索(Peter Zumthor)/边界)

银行家兼金融家霍华德·艾哈迈森(Howard F. Ahmanson)是洛杉矶县艺术博物馆(lacma) 自从艾哈迈森基金会帮助该博物馆于1965年推出了一座专门的新房屋(该机构从洛杉矶历史,科学和艺术博物馆开发了1961年)。His foundation, established in 1952, has since donated over $130 million worth of European Old Master works—from the likes of artists including Jacques-Louis David, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, and Rembrandt van Rijn—and has shaped LACMA’s global identity as an encyclopedic institution that attracts over one million visitors annually.

在为LACMA提供了半个多世纪的支持之后,艾哈迈森基金会宣布将停止向博物馆提供礼物艺术。基金会主席和LACMA受托人William H. Ahmanson表示,他的基金会尚未得到适当地了解其捐赠的艺术品的信息彼得·祖姆索(Peter Zumthor)-designed redevelopment of the museum campus when it is scheduled to open in 2024. “I’m disappointed because the new building does nothing for future growth and it’s going to limit how we collect as well as those who may want to donate collections,” Ahmanson told艺术报纸

After years of ambiguity on the subject, and given that the new building will have fewer square feet dedicated to gallery space than the four buildings it is replacing, it was discovered that more space will be dedicated to rotating exhibitions than the institution’s own permanent collection, much of which includes work donated to the museum by the Ahmanson Foundation. With a significant portion of the collection locked away in storage, in other words, the foundation reportedly saw little reason to continue donating artwork it feels should be proudly on display.

根据洛杉矶时报LACMA董事迈克尔·戈万(Michael Govan)表示,发生了误解,新建筑将向组织捐赠的艺术品投入展览空间。他说:“我们非常感谢该基金会对LACMA的长期慷慨解囊,并期待在我们完成新的画廊之后,从现在开始只有四年的时间,就可以看到艾哈迈森基金会的礼物。”

While the Ahmanson Foundation‘s seminal relationship with the museum is coming to an end, other donors will be featured more prominently in the redevelopment, including film studio executive and philanthropist David Geffen, who pledged $150 million to the museum in 2017—the largest single cash gift from an individual in its history. LACMA has also compiled一系列视频在其他支持者中,包括USC建筑院长Milton Curry,英国雕塑家Thomas Houseago和几个奇迹米尔居民。

