
Washington University in St. Louis and Sam Fox School receive a KieranTimberlake revamp


Washington University in St. Louis and Sam Fox School receive a KieranTimberlake revamp


Just west ofSt. Louis森林公园坐在紧凑的城市校园里Washington University in St. Louis. At 124 years old, theOlmsted-designed masterplan has undergone several major changes, but nothing as dramatic as the recently-completed, 18-acre transformation of its East End.

KieranTimberlakeand Michael Vergason Landscape Architects (MVLA)led a handful of experts in the sweeping $360 million effort, which included the introduction of an expansive new park, an addition to the famed米尔德里德·斯米珀艺术博物馆和五个新的结构,其中一个是新的面孔Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts.ANspoke with James Kolker, university architect and associate vice-chancellor, over email about the project. He said the milestone has been a decades-long dream in the making to cover the site, which was previously lacking comprehensive character and full of surface parking lots, with a green landscape and sustainable stand-out buildings that will lead the university into its next 100 years.

Aerial view of glass pavilions, landscaped plaza across Washington University
MVLA has added an expansive park as a tribute to Frederick Law Olmsted’s original plan for the site, which was intended to connect the university to the surrounding neighborhoods and Forest Park. (James Ewing)


When originally planned in the late 1800s, the site was projected to be a park-like “front door” that connected the campus to Forest Park, but the popularity of cars led to cement flat blocks and walking paths being installed. The goal of the reimagined landscape, Kolker explained, was to make the Danforth Campus more open and accessible to the public and university students. Opened this week, Tisch Park now serves as the centerpiece of the East End while Brookings Hall, the Collegiate Gothic landmark atop the newly-landscaped hill, greets students as the home of undergraduate admissions.

Twilight view of glass-clad academic building with sculpture garden on the Washington University campus
Built for graduate architecture, landscape architecture, design, and visual arts students, Weil Hall is the sixth building within the Sam Fox School of Arts & Visual Design. (James Ewing)

On the southeastern edge of the site isWeil Hall, the new 80,760-square-foot main entry to the six-structure Sam Fox School, which also includes the newly-renovated and expanded Kemper Art Museum. The latter structure, originally designed in 2006 byFumihiko Maki.,采用34英尺高的抛光,不锈钢立面,通过褶皱表面处理,反映校园周围的运动。Kierantimberlake几乎将博物馆的永久系列展出几乎翻了一番,这是战后和当代艺术的2,700平方英尺的双倍高层画廊。此外,团队还与MVLA一起设计和重新安装佛罗伦萨Steinberg Weil Sculpture Garden。

Sustainable construction was a huge part of this campus transformation. Weil Hall boasts a large green wall while nearly every new structure has its own set of solar panels. (James Byard)

The exterior of Weil Hall complements the museum to the north in its use of translucent glass and vertical aluminum fins. Instead of mirroring activity outside the building, the facade allows views inside to its state-of-the-art studios, classrooms, and digital fabrication labs. The design team added many energy-saving elements into Weil Hall as well, including a two-story green wall to regulate temperature and clean and filter the air. According to James Timberlake, principal of KieranTimberlake, these major moves reaffirm the private research university’s commitment to the arts.

“Weil Hall的设计是为了促进灵活,开放,充满宽敞的空间中的学科的故意互动,激发奖学金,创造性的研究和大胆的实验,”Timberlake在一份声明中。“这是一个机会,通过在视图前面和中心的艺术和建筑计划的活力下,为丹佛斯校区提供新的生活和目的。”

Interior view of light-filled parking garage in precast concrete below Washington University
According to the architects, putting the parking garage below ground was key for the project, allowing the landscape above to flourish uninhibited by cars. (James Ewing)

By far the most disruptive but innovative intervention that the design team made to the campus was placing an underground garage directly beneath Tisch Park. Large enough to accommodate 790 vehicles, electric charging stations, and more, the below-grade building by KieranTimberlake andBNIMfeatures high ceilings and access to natural light. Should automobiles ever become obsolete, the university has contingency plans to convert the garage into classrooms and labs.

