



盖瑟阐述的最引人入胜的关系之一是Sigfried Giedion与哲学家Marshall McLuhan的友谊。上图:彼得·摩尔(Peter Moore)的一组照片,是马歇尔·麦克卢汉(Marshall McLuhan)的《媒介就是按摩》(The Medium Is The Massage, 1967)中的蒙太奇。(芭芭拉·摩尔/保拉·库珀画廊)



那时,勒·柯布西耶已经在同为瑞士人的艺术历史学家西格弗里德·吉迪昂(Sigfried Giedion)身上找到了自己的詹姆斯·博斯韦尔(James Boswell)。Giedion将勒·柯布西耶的作品以两种图像的形式拼贴在一起,并在1928年将口号意译到他的第一个历史宣言中Bauen在法国在艾森BauenBAUEN在Eisenbeton。这把Wöfflinian艺术史的传统与它的使用惊人的超历史照片并置的千禧年宣言模式。

几十年来,翁将作为秘书,中信国际资产管理隶,虚拟天后Internationaux德建筑摩登,成立同年Bauen在法国出版了——甚至在他继续演讲、出版和创作小说插图卷的时候,他把现在镌刻在一个不断延长的历史轨迹中,最终把他带回到史前。然而,人们一直认为,他最持久和最有影响力的作品,空间,时间与建筑这本书出版于1941年,是他在1938年至1939年间多次前往美国哈佛大学公开演讲的具体成果。正是在这几年,包豪斯大师们开始在剑桥和芝加哥任教。像Pevsner先驱,Giedion’s book, which was also originally published in English, has remained continuously in print for over 75 years, exerting an enormous influence even as it has transitioned from being read as a source for the history of modern architecture to being analyzed over and over again as an artifact of the modern movement in the historiographic turn in architectural history of the last 20 years. But Reto Geiser’s book demands that we take a longer look at the historian himself.


盖瑟没有按照严格的时间顺序来组织他的分析,而是将其作为四篇延伸的文章,对作为国家和文化“中间”人物的盖狄恩这一主题进行了不同的诠释。在这个过程中,他将文化影响交织在一起,这些影响远远超出了之前对吉迪昂与美国知识生活的任何分析,同时也强调了他职业生涯中的一些悖论和讽刺。第一个是语言,因为吉迪恩对英语口语的不完美的掌握促成了他视觉布局的创新,首先是在幻灯片演讲中,然后是他与书籍设计师赫伯特·拜尔(Herbert Bayer)和杰奎琳·蒂利特(jacqueline Tyrwhitt)合作,一丝不苟地制作页面布局的模型——盖瑟的书中有许多插图。

没有更不是设置舞台,其分析与美国建立数字出版的作品翁订婚的一章“在方法之间,”思想如哲学家怀特海和文化历史学家刘易斯·芒福德。Indeed, the dialogue between Mumford and Giedion in establishing the American contribution to the development of modern architecture is the subject of some of the most consequential passages in a book that zigzags between a rich orchestration of information about this “art historian’s central role in a global network of modern architects” and astute analysis of his evolution as a historical thinker. This is one of the chief contributions of Geiser’s study.


盖瑟是第一个充分关注吉迪昂对史前和前希腊文化的艺术和建筑表达的迷恋的起源和影响的传记作者,从1940年在拉斯科发现的洞穴绘画到苏美尔金字塔和埃及金字塔。1957年,他在华盛顿特区的国家美术馆举办了梅隆讲座,这些迷人之处首先被磨砺出来,并呈现在普通观众面前,然后扩展到永恒的现在:艺术的开端,一部两卷的作品。但吉迪翁在《时代的黎明》中几乎没有迷失自己,即使他耐心的艺术历史学家妻子卡罗拉·吉迪翁·韦尔克(Carola Giedion Welcker)声称,这让他花了一段时间才摆脱了“所有的建筑问题”

One of the most fascinating relationships that Geiser takes up is Giedion’s relationship to Marshall McLuhan, an earlier admirer of the historian, who understood from the outset the relationship of the medium of the book (or the slide lecture) to a message about the historical dimension of even the present moment. Appropriately enough, Giedion’s relationship to McLuhan, to György Kepes and the early years of the MIT Media Lab, and the creation of the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts at Harvard—for which Le Corbusier would supply his only building on American soil—come together in Geiser’s final chapter, “In Between Disciplines.” Not only does this expand our understanding of Giedion’s role into the postwar period, but equally of Giedion as a historian protagonist as important to the evolution of media studies as he was to modern architecture and its history. Despite the numerous chronological backtrackings and the repetition of salient quotes that mar the text, Geiser has shed light on facets of Giedion’s long trajectory that recast a figure whose books were perhaps too long ago moved to an upper shelf with other college texts.

巴里·贝格多尔是哥伦比亚大学艺术史教授,2019年Cattedra博罗米尼教授的收件人在的Accademia di ARCHITETTURA在瑞士Mendrisio。
