



Heatherwick面临伦敦花园桥项目的利益冲突。当它越过泰晤士河时,拟议的花园桥的翻译。(礼貌Heatherwick Studio)


首先由建筑师的期刊,Heatherwick, the bridge’s chosen designer, is not only listed as the only founding member of the Garden Bridge Trust, advocating for the creation of the trust, but also actively promoted the selection of some of its leaders, and lobbied and fundraised for the project locally and abroad. According to the studio, the founding member status is an honorary title bestowed upon Heatherwick. Still, questions remain as to whether the design contest held by Transport for London (TfL), the project’s original client, was held in good faith, as Heatherwick’s proposal ultimately ended up winning, and whether the采购流程是公平的。在它甚至被破碎的地面之前,还会出现在项目上花费了6200万美元的问题。

拟议作为2012年的公私伙伴关系,然后由伦敦博士约翰逊市长支持,花园桥将跨越1200英尺,并将城市的南岸和寺庙区域连接到北方。超过270棵树和大约100,000家植物,这座桥梁也会出现一个散步,弧形的上层建筑,与该项目的早期倡导者女演员Joanna Lumley展开,相比山地花园马来西亚。


尽管项目类似的绿洲性质,但关于如何资金的问题唯一的行人自概念以来,桥梁将被拖累。这座桥在2013年正式成为私营项目,其中新成立的园艺桥信托负责私人筹款,一旦完成,就会运行园艺桥。Despite the trust raising over $92 million in private funds, Sadiq Khan, the newly elected mayor of London,拒绝贡献超过8000万美元的先前承诺,成本从最初的8000万美元膨胀到最终的2.68亿美元。关于桥梁如何公开访问的问题,以及对公众的最终利益,有争议的发展被取消。

一个花园桥信任发言人告诉建筑师的期刊那“‘Thomas Heatherwick’s role as a Founding Member means that he is one of the 12 company Members of the Charity, all of whom hold collectively a small number of powers limited by the Companies Act 2006. The position of Founding Member has no special power or rights attached to it and is simply a title.”


