




When you next see someone using a mobile phone—in the street or in a country lane, on a bus or a plane—go up to this person and ask, ‘Where are you going?’… and if the reply is ‘I’m going to my office,’ on no account say, ‘But you are already in your office.’

-David Greene,Archigram,1999

这里,拱门的David Greene为21岁结束了一个争论的论点英石- 通过技术支持的瞬间从市场资本主义中解放出来的中心建筑。对于Greene,那么当时的静止不良 - 无处不在的智能手机在架构中实现的固定工作场所占据了全球金融家的潜力。

差不多20年后,重新定位这一寓言,我们发现其不可思议的预测准确描述了我们目前的条件。经济压力和加速技术的结合几乎将每一寸的星球,公共和私人纳入办公室。我们永远不会离开办公室。每一个职业都经过电话的系绳,以及架构 - 已经由其深夜的文化和漫长的时间所定义的那些。它是一种文化,在学校里已经发起了一代建筑师。然而,直到最近,它一点地质疑。预计学生将达到最终睡眠的最终评论。最近的毕业生涌向了“自由晚餐”的好处,当工作日延伸到晚上和晚上的基准时间时,就会乘坐“免费晚餐”和付费出租车。作为道德要求进入建筑实践(捎带环境考虑),剥削,环境和人类,身体和非物质劳动力成为我们不能忽视的问题。

Peggy deamer建筑师作为工人要求我们解决这些问题,以考虑我们工作的方式,伴随着我们启用的劳动系统。在她发表关于定义专业的经济和社会结构的另外两个被录制的卷的脚跟上,这本250页的贡献者的书是一种浓度和更具战说探索,对结构构成建筑设计的劳动和惯例建造。DEDER将文本组织成五个部分,以考虑建筑和劳动在理论和实践中的关系。观点横穿了更广泛的问题,将非物质劳动定义为纪律特定的投机,为界面建议新模式。拟合,散文开始对大学的含义,并以实践为止。其中一些论文更哲学(Franco Berardi),其他历史(Richard Biernacki,Andreas Rumpfhuber),或当代和务实(Deamer,Neil Leach和Phillip Bernstein)。虽然这些部分没有专门寻求彼此回应,但散文之间出现的联系和共振是本书中更令人满意的时刻。

虽然Berardi的贡献带来了我们对学术的开发劳动力的意识,丹尼尔van der velden和弗拉克的弗拉克·克鲁克通过各种关于设计文化的各种观察和其服务员增值设计表面作为商品物品及其关系来实现这一漂泊论政治与社会。

Far from a rant about low pay and long hours (not that these conditions aren’t substantiated as a genuine problem) or a what-if exposé on the “submission of knowledge to economics,” the essays collectively look at the larger shift in how work has changed in a post-Fordist economy. The tone remains positive as some of the essays pose alternatives (solutions) to the current conditions, while others explore the underlying structures of the discipline in an enlightening and shocking depth (Pier Vittorio Aureli, Mabel Wilson, Jordan Carver, Kadambari Baxi), revealing the global network of actors involved in even the smallest of projects. We are left with the uncertain awareness that the information age is also a knowledge economy—and therefore a commodity, like any other.

有些散文设法做两者,如Leach的(AC)信誉(itation)卡,which offers a rethinking of educational models to address the ironic disconnect between accreditations boards’ ever-tightening grip on disciplinary educational and licensing criteria while the professional as such is increasingly marginalized in the building industry and the minimum basic educational standards are increasingly irrelevant or insufficient for students. As well, Deamer’s own essay is both a broad survey of the history of artisanal work and an exploration of the transformation of architectural work by the knowledge economy. For Deamer, the shifting of the architect from object designer to project designer offers an opportunity to change the compensation structure for firms and individuals.

这些论文而不是脱落成唯一的乐观,而不是宣传,我们共同要求我们不那么转移我们的工作方式,而是如何在全球经济中概念化我们的贡献和地方。本书为架构提供了一个架构参数,作为“呼叫”(第61页),揭示了我们所经历的剥削以及我们间接地对待其他人的剥削。Given the density of the text and imagistic duotone cover photo, one wonders if the book’s primary audience—those who are likely to recognize the image as Hans Hollein’s mobile office from 1973 (complete with landline)—are already are familiar with and sympathetic to the issues it raises. Yet, as a volume that asks the questions of a discipline regarding the work we do and equally the work that our work fosters, it belongs on every architect’s bookshelf.
