
Joris Laman Blends Industrial,Natural和Digital在Cooper Hewitt显示


Joris Laman Blends Industrial,Natural和Digital在Cooper Hewitt显示

Joris Laman Blends Industrial,Natural和Digital在Cooper Hewitt展(Courtesy Joris Laarman Lab)

Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian设计博物馆托管其年度国家设计奖上周,将硬件交给包含的杰出群体大众设计组黛博拉伯克伙伴,surfacedesign,苏珊桑西亚斯。但是,如果您无法邀请邀请活动,您可以通过博物馆停止查看城市最有趣的设计展览之一:Joris Laarman Lab:数字时代的设计。

拉玛的数字创造的骨骼椅子采用工业材料和解剖启示。(礼貌Joris Laarman Lab)


Throughout the Cooper Hewitt’s galleries you’ll encounter tables, chairs, lights and other pieces made of wood, metal, fabric, vinyl and plastic that have been knitted, stacked, puzzled, electroformed, cut, welded, folded, lathed and extruded, all using computer-powered fabrication techniques. Laarman is obsessed with the transition of the industrial world to our digital one. This work perfectly bridges the two. The show is on view through January 15.

2010年叶表的设计,例证了一种从绘图开始和以数字输出结束的方法。(礼貌Joris Laarman Lab)

适应椅(礼貌Joris Laarman Lab)

[YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13o_qsatv3s]
