



印度赖布尔的季风洪水季节。(礼貌alpa nawre)


With what are we welcoming our future generations? Piles of plastic? Polluted air and dirty water? Life in degraded environments with mismanaged resources is the normal human experience in many parts of the world. The statistics are staggering. Of the total world population of 7.2 billion, about 6 billion live in developing countries, where access to clean water, clean air, and efficient systems of waste disposal is a daily struggle. Water, especially, is a severely contested resource in these contexts, both in terms of quantity and quality. In India, for example, over 100 million lack access to safe water, and diarrhea causes 1,600 deaths daily. Where water mafia and water dacoits are a grim reality, where suicides, murders, and street-fights over water scarcity are a serious issue, and where commuting back and forth from work could involve wading through chest or knee-high flood water, the problems associatedwith water management in India point to a crisis, which is only expected to get worse with impending climate change and快速的城市化。尽管一些问题显然不在景观建筑师的范围之内,但可以通过更好的水管理景观来解决许多问题。在这里,景观设计师在系统和场地规模上的代理和行动变得至关重要,不仅适用于水,而且适用于其他有争议的资源。

夏天的水短缺,也在赖布尔。(礼貌alpa nawre)

Today in developed countries, we are shocked and even resigned by reports and personal experiences of the air quality in Beijing, the water crisis in India, or the food scarcity in Africa. Conditions, however, were not so very different in the 1950s and 1960s in North America when people wore gas masks in Los Angeles and decried the region’s filthy rivers. When a small group of landscape architects gathered here in Philadelphia and crafted the “Declaration of Concern,” noting the degradation of America’s water and air, the world was not such a different place. If anything, the issues have become more global, critical, and widespread. And in this context of contested resources, landscape architects must step in to do what we can to restore and re-establish healthy relationships在人类和他们的environment. I entreat all landscape architects to rise above parochial discussions, territorial predispositions, and disciplinary comfort-zones to address the very real issues of water, air, food, waste, minerals, and energy, with which rapidly urbanizing and developing countries such as India now grapple.

The “Declaration of Concern” is a demonstration of the enormous职业责任attempted to take on. The last fifty years have seen the coming of age of the profession of landscape architecture. Landscape architects have drawn on formidable skills of research and analysis to understand and map multilayered issues, and conveyed this understanding向公众通过跨越规模和时间的复杂景观系统的可视化。许多景观建筑师试图恢复受损的生态系统并设计更好人类和非人类栖息地。然而,我们只是刮擦了表面,还有很多事情要做可以在资源管理的背景下进行,尤其是发展中国家的水,粮食和废物。

从这些国家 /地区,关于资源管理的替代定义,框架,范式,系统和景观,有很多课程需要学习。当我们讲话时,所有这些都在迅速变化和退化。我们迫切需要了解发展中国家资源管理的各种生态。我们可以从设计多功能资源基础设施并实践社区所有权的文化中学到什么of landscapes to inform the在工业发达国家的资源管理设计,反之亦然?在我们进行设计之前,我们必须了解和评估现有系统。

作为设计师,我们有两种干预途径来解决资源问题。首先是通过设计来改善现有的资源景观,其次是创建替代范式,通过结构新建筑环境来更好地资源管理。到2050年,预计世界人口将增加到90亿,几乎完全是发展中国家的人口增长,并伴随着快速的城市化。例如,在接下来的50年中,印度的人口将达到16亿,该国将增加超过4亿美元的城市人口 - 大约有20个孟买!城市领土的发展迫切需要迫切需要设计城市景观的景观建筑师的专业知识更好的资源管理系统。它还为前所未有的机会提供了设计实验。我们如何在发达经济体的城市化中学到的教训并将其应用于我们对发展中国家资源管理问题的响应中?

未来的挑战的一部分不仅是解决资源管理问题的发展,而且还使公众,尤其是发展中国家的决策者,意识到我们可以在改善资源管理方面所做的贡献。在印度的大部分地区,当我自我介绍为景观architect, people either catch only the first part and transform the phrase to “landscaping” or “gardening” or latch on to the familiar word “architecture.” Notsurprising — because there are very few landscape architects in India. About 800 landscape architects serve a total population of 1.25 billion and of this handful, fewer still engage with issues of resource稀缺和/或管理不善。作为景观建筑师,我们必须积极地使参与机会变得更好preparing ourselves with alternative design solutions and communicating them to the public.

Today’s landscape architecture students live in a complex, networked world and must be prepared for a future defined by global professional practice, to meaningfully engage in and to craft the built environment of not only their own community but also of cultures dramatically different from their own — dealing with life-threatening issues related to water, food, and waste. These issues often fall outside a landscape architect’s traditional scope, which is a missed opportunity for the discipline.Training the future generation在不同规模上处理这些问题的景观建筑师是使我们的纪律在未来50年中相关的唯一方法。

It is an exciting time to bea landscape architect, but only if we embrace the opportunities and challenges ahead of us. There must be a crusading determination on the part of landscape architects to address the real issues of resource management if we are ever to permanently establish and realize the true potential of our discipline.

This article was part of our Oct. 12 issue which focused on how water is shaping today’s landscape architecture and urbanism. Communities face deluges and droughts—for some, the stakes can be survival itself, but others see opportunities for decadence. To explore these stories from around the U.S. and the world,点击这里.
