


建筑记录随着姐妹施工出版物,工程新闻记录等产品,躲闪和糖果已销往Symphony Technology Group(STG),加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托的“战略私募股权公司”,以3.2亿美元。McGraw Hill Construction, the current owner of these publications, announced in a market-jargon-filled press release today that, while there were multiple prospective buyers, they sold to STG because that company understands how to build on McGraw Hill’s “storied past of nimbly adapting to changing market conditions and pursuing new growth opportunities in the construction market.” STG has a global portfolio of 22 companies with a combined revenue of $2.7 billion and 17,000 employees. Will Cathleen Mcguigan and her editorial team be leaving their Pennsylvania Station tower for the green lawns of the Silicon Valley soon?
